Masters Degree Programs at IISc
IISc offers M.Tech, M.Tech (Research), M. Des, M.Mgmt degrees offered in a total of 20 different specializations to around 400 students each year
Master of Technology (M. Tech)
The M.Tech. program is a two-year, course based program designed to prepare students to address complex industrial and technological problems through an advanced knowledge of engineering subjects. A bachelor’s degree in the relevant engineering or a related field is necessary to enter the program. The program consists of rigorous course work involving core courses and electives and up to a year of project work.
Master of Technology Research, M. Tech. (Res.)
The M.Tech. (Res.) program is a research based program designed to prepare students for advanced engineering practice through research, development, production, design and/or management. Each student works with a research advisor and plans a program of course work and thesis research. Independent research work is assessed through a general test midway into the program and a final defense of the thesis.
Master of Management (M. Mgmt.)
The program aims to produce executives with expertise in technology management and business analytics and the ability to understand, assess and forecast how technologies impact the systems within and outside organizations (environment, economy and society at large). Graduates receive formal education in analytics to strengthen their capability to perform robust analyses to take decisions in information and data driven organizations.
Master of Design (M. Des)
The M.Des. programme is a two-year full-time post-graduate programme that aims to impart education in the design and development of products that are innovative and competitive. Students are trained to approach product design with a holistic viewpoint, integrating the various facets of design in a balanced and harmonious manner, and through creative problem solving, bring about innovation in the product manufacturing industry.
Masters 2015-17: Our Batch Strength
ME in Aerospace Engineering | 26 |
M.Tech. in Climate Science | 3 |
M.Tech. in Earth Science | 3 |
ME in Civil Engineering | 34 |
M.E. in Transportation and Infrastructure Engineering | 5 |
ME in Mechanical Engineering | 20 |
ME in Materials Engineering | 38 |
M.E. in Chemical Engineering | 17 |
M.Tech. in Nano Science and Engineering | 9 |
M.Tech. in Electronic Systems Engineering | 32 |
M.Tech. in Instrumentation | 9 |
ME in Microelectronic Systems | 15 |
ME in Signal Processing | 13 |
ME in Communication and Networks | 31 |
ME in Computer Science and Engineering | 58 |
M.Tech. in Computational Science | 10 |
ME in Systems Science and Automation | 21 |
ME in Electrical Engineering | 19 |
M. Des. in Product Design and Engineering | 25 |
Master of Management (M. Mgmt.) | 13 |

Masters Curricula
All Masters Programs in IISc are two year programs in which students are required to complete 64 credits. In most programs a small fraction of the credit requirements are met by compulsory courses. Students spend a major part of the second year on a project work which has 18-28 credits depending on the program. These programs are flexible enough to enable students take new subjects from within or outside the department. Thus students graduating from these high specialized programs will also have an option to explore interdisciplinary topics.
M.Tech in Aerospace Engineering: Specialization in structures, propulsion, controls and aerodynamics with advance laboratories incorporating state of the art facilities. Dedicated cells of ISRO, DRDO and Brahmos are established in the department where students and faculty jointly work with employees of these government organizations.
Fluid Dynamics, Flight and Space Mechanics, Flight Vehicle Structures, Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion, Navigation, Guidance and Control, Flight Vehicle Design, Experimental Techniques, Mathematics for Aerospace Engineers; Optional Subjects: Advanced Combustion, Aero acoustics, Differential Geometric Techniques in Control, Hypersonic Flow Theory, Aerodynamic Testing Facilities and Measurements, Computation of Viscous flows, Analysis and Design of Composite Structures, Multi-Body Dynamics using Symbolic Manipulators, Fatigue and Failure of Materials, Wave Propagation in Structures, Rotary Wing Aero elasticity, Structural Vibration Control, Introduction to Acoustics – I, Linear Control Systems Design, Space Dynamics and Control, Biologically Inspired Computing and its Applications, Introduction to Neural Network and Engineering Applications, Research Techniques in Non Destructive Evaluation, Dynamics of flow past on oscillating wing, Applied Nonlinear Control, Aero acoustics, Atmospheric Flight Dynamics, Aerodynamics, Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics, Gas Dynamics, Turbulent Shear Flows, Numerical Fluid Flow, Computational Gas Dynamics, Numerical Grid Generation and Flow Computations, Energy and Finite Element Methods, Fatigue and Failure of Materials, Aero elasticity, Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation, Engineering Optimization, Modal analysis: Theory and Applications, Combustion, Aircraft Engines, Rocket Propulsion, Robust Control System Synthesis for Aerospace Vehicles, Guidance Theory and Applications, Experimental Techniques, Introduction to Helicopters, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Unsteady Flow, Hydrodynamic Stability, Advanced Topics in Electromagnetic Scattering, Applied Nonlinear Control, Nonlinear Mechanics of Composite Structures, Applied Optimal Control and State Estimation, Cooperative Control with Aerospace Applications, Kalman Filter And Applications
M.Tech. in Climate Science: Interdisciplinary program dealing with atmospheric and oceanic system which involves climate modelling, weather predictions, geophysical fluid dynamics, and developing skills in high performance computing.
Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Atmospheric Thermodynamics, Atmospheric Radiation and Climate, Observational Techniques, Introduction to Climate System, Mathematics + Optional Subjects: Atmospheric Thermodynamics, Atmospheric Radiation and Climate, Introduction to Atmospheric Dynamics, Introduction to Climate System, Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere, Topics in Tropical Convection, Ocean Dynamics, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Satellite Meteorology, Mathematical Methods in Climate Science, Observational Techniques, Earth System Modelling
M.Tech. in Earth Science: Interdisciplinary scientific research with the objective of expanding knowledge in basic and applied earth sciences.
Remote Sensing and GIS for Water Resources & Environmental Engineering , Mathematics for Geophysicists, Topics in Geophysics, Introduction to Earth and planetary magnetism, Introduction to Earth System Science, Geodynamics, Introduction to Petrology, Origin and Evolution of the Earth, Earth Science Laboratory, Mantle Convection, Biogeochemistry, Tectonics and Crustal Evolution, Applied Petrology, Isotope Geochemistry, Topics in stratigraphy and geochronology
ME in Civil Engineering:Unified program that allows student to Major in Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering ,and Water Resources and Environmental Engineering and an option to Minor in any of the above specializations. The courses are contemporary, training students by applying mechanics and computational based approach. The students also work on a two-semester long dissertation in front-line research areas.
COMMON COURSES: Basic Geo-Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Introduction to Finite Elements in Solid Mechanics, Foundation Engineering, Hydrological Processes, Probability Models.
- Major in STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING: Introduction to Theory of Plasticity, Mechanics of Structural Concrete, Structural Dynamics + Optional Subjects from: Fracture Mechanics, Optimization Methods, Bridge Engineering, Advanced Structural Dynamics, Fire Structural Engineering, Uncertainty Modelling and Analysis, Non-Linear FEM in Structural Engineering, Random Vibrations, Monte Carlo Simulations in Structural Mechanics, Structural Masonry.
- Major in GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING : Earth and Earth Retaining Structures, Geo-Environmental Engineering, Ground Improvement and Geo-Synthetics + Optional Subjects from:Optional – Fundamentals of Soil Behavior, Behavior and Testing of Unsaturated Soils, Design of Substructures, Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Seismology, Pozzolanic Stabilization of Soils, Soil Dynamics, Computational Geotechnics, Rock Mechanics, Pavement Engineering.
- Major in WATER RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING: Computational Fluid Dynamics, System Techniques in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Water Quality Modelling, Stochastic Hydrology + Optional Subjects from: Regionalization in Hydrology and Water Resources, Urban Hydrology, Remote Sensing and GIS in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Design of Water Supply and Sewerage Systems, Fluid Mechanics, Introduction to Climate Systems.
M.E. in Transportation and Infrastructure Engineering: Deals with Pavement engineering, transport and traffic modelling, optimization methods, operations research, GIS and remote sensing, probability models and applied statistics.
Pavement Engineering, Design of Water Supply and Sewerage Systems, Modelling Transport and Traffic , Optimization Methods , Optimization Methods, Principles and Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing, Probability Models, Probabilistic Methods in Civil Engineering;; + Optional Subjects : Foundation Engineering, Ground Improvement and Geosynthetics, Urban Hydrology, , Mechanics of Structural Concrete, An Introduction to Finite Elements, Renewable Energy – Technology, Economics and Environment, Technology and Sustainable Development, Applied Statistics, Engineering Waste Management, Structural Masonry
ME in Mechanical Engineering: provide deeper theoretical knowledge in our core fields: solid, fluid, and thermal, to tackle real time problems given to us by industries using specializations in FEM,Flow, Physics, Applied geometry, Laser diagnostic, IC, SI engines, Robotics, Force Microscopy, Combustion and Spray, Design of structural components, CFD, Biomehcanics.
Fluid Mechanics, Materials & Structure Property Correlations, Dynamics & Control of Mechanical Systems, Solid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Seminar Course, Engineering Mathematics/, Matrix Theory, Numerical Methods, Mathematical Methods of Physics ;; + Optional Subjects: Mechanics of Microsystems, Special Topics in Combustion , Continuum Mechanics, Industrial Noise Control, Structural Acoustics, Mechanisms, Principles of Tribology, Nonlinear Finite Element Methods, Topology Optimization, Two Phase Flows and Boiling Heat Transfer, Turbomachine Theory, Principles of Solar Thermal Engineering, Fracture Mechanics, Applied Impact Mechanics of Solids, Modeling and Simulation of Dynamics Systems, Experimental Engineering, Introduction to Robotics, Fundamentals of Acoustics, Biomechanics, Vibrations of Plates and Shells, Variational Methods and Structural Optimization, Finite Element Methods, Acoustics of Ducts and Mufflers, Thermal Management of Electronics, Solid and Fluid Phenomena at Small Scales, Convective Heat Transfer, Conduction and Radiation Heat Transfer, Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Applied Combustion, Refrigeration Engineering, Air Conditioning Engineering, Geometric Modelling for Computer Aided Design, Fluid Turbulence
ME in Materials Engineering: Strongly deals with rigorous industry relevant courses in the fields of Automotives, Electronic Materials, Energy, Material characterization, mining, metallurgy, Nanoscience, polymers. All students take up development and application-oriented projects involving real-life problems from industry.
Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Structure and Characterisation of Materials, Laboratory Experiments in Metallurgy & Any three out of the following eight courses : Materials Design and Selection, Defects in Materials, Microstructural Design and Development of Engineering Materials, Interfacial Phenomena in Materials Processing, Transport Processes in Process Metallurgy, Science of Materials Processing, Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Polymer Science and Engineering; + Optional Subjects: Texture and Grain Boundary Engineering, Modeling and Simulation in Materials Engineering, Structure and Characterization of Materials, Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering, Introduction to Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Phase Transformations, Diffusion in Solids, Deformation and Failure Mechanisms at Elevated Temperatures, Interfacial Phenomena in Materials Processing, Introduction to chemical Engineering, Laboratory Experiments in Metallurgy, Modelling and Computational Methods in Metallurgy, Solidification Processing, Fracture, Polymer Science and Engineering II: Organic Electronics, Concepts in Polymer Blends and Nanocomposites
M.E. in Chemical Engineering: Address complex industrial and technological problems through an advanced knowledge of various chemical engineering subjects.
Chemical Engineering Mathematics, Numerical Methods, Transport Phenomena, Thermodynamics, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Seminar Course, Applied Statistics & Design of Experiments; + Optional Subjects: Modelling in Chemical Engineering, Polymer Science and Engineering, Special Topics in Theoretical Biology, Treatment of Drinking Water, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Rheology of Complex Fluids and Particulate Materials, Statistical Thermodynamics, Interfacial and Colloidal Phenomena
M.Tech. in Nano Science and Engineering: Course work and research projects broadly in the areas of Microelectronics, Advanced Microfabrication Techniques, Photovoltaics, Photonic Integrated Circuits, MEMS/NEMS, Biomedical Devices, MEMS Packaging and Energy Harvesting; with strong emphasis on hands-on training in fabrication and characterization, and substantial introduction to interdisciplinary areas
Semiconductor Devices and IC Technology, Advanced MEMS Packaging, Micro-machining for MEMS Technology, Advanced micro and nano fabrication technology and process, Materials Synthesis: Quantum Dots to Bulk Crystals, Applied Solid State Physics, Introduction to Photonics, Micro/Nano Mechanics, Micro and Nano Fabrication, Micro and Nano Characterization, Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Societal Impact; Technical Writing and Presentation; + Optional Subjects: Nano-electronics Device Technology, Physics and Mathematics of Molecular Sensing, Micro-fluidics, Photonics technology: Materials and Devices, Nonlinear and Ultra-fast Photonics, MEMS: Modelling, Design and Implementation.
M.Tech. in Instrumentation: .
Analytical Instrumentation; Wave propagation in periodic media; Semiconductor Devices and Circuits; Microelectronic Devices Fabrication and Applications; Probability and Statistical Methods in Engineering; Advanced Instrumentation Electronics; Thin Film Deposition and Characterization; High Vacuum Technology and Applications; Instrumentation for Energy Conservation and Management; Fluorescence Microscopy and Imaging; Microfluidic Devices and Applications; Variational Methods in Engineering; Advanced Nano/Micro Systems; Sensors and Measurement Techniques; Microcontrollers and Applications; Plasma Processes; Control Systems Design; Automatic System Control Engineering; Optical Metrology; Principles of Tomographic Imaging; Process Instrumentation and Control; Differential Geometry and Engineering Applications; Cryogenic Instrumentation and Applications; Advanced Topics in Fluorescence Imaging
M.Tech. in Electronic Systems Engineering: The students in DESE experience all the stages and processes involved in conceptualizing, investigating , designing and implementing electronic systems and VLSI design. Most students projects involve building prototypes by addressing practical issues including industrial design and product engineering, ergonomics, system-level packaging and thermal design.
Essential Circuits for System Design, Electronic Systems Packaging, Mathematics for Electrical Engineers, Any 2 out of Electronic courses: Digital VLSI Circuits, Digital System Design with FPGAs, Analog and Data Conversion Systems, Analog VLSI Circuits, Advanced ESD Devices, Circuits and Design Methods, Power Semiconductor ,Devices and Physics, Design of Power Converters, Any 2 out of Systems course : Digital Controller Design, Incremental Motion Control, TCP-IP Networking, Embedded Systems-1, Design for Internet of Things, Industrial Design of Electronic Equipment,, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Reliability of Nanoscale Circuits and Systems, Design and Control of Power Converters and Drives,, Design of Photovoltaic Systems , Any 2 out of Abstraction course : Selected Topics inMarkov Chains and Optimization, Random Processes, Art of Compact Modelling, Communication Networks, Data Centre Networks, Signal Processing for Data Recording Channels, Mathematical Methods and Techniques in Signal Processing, Creative Engineering Design
ME in Microelectronic Systems: Flexible, customized program jointly offered by ECE and DESE department of IISc. State of the art laboratory facilities with industry standard EDA software, cutting edge test instrumentation and a world-class clean room and fabrication facility are available for lab work.
Micro sensor Technologies; Submicron Device Modeling and Simulation; VLSI Device and Process Simulation; Advanced CMOS and Beyond CMOS; Micromachining for MEMS Technology; Nano electronics Device Fabrication and Characterization; Electronic Systems Packaging; Introduction to MEMS; Introduction to Photonics; CAD Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design; Digital VLSI Circuits; Integrated Circuits for Wireless Communication; Analog VLSI Circuits; Digital Systems Design with FPGAs; Advanced VLSI Circuits; Computer Aided Design of VLSI Systems; Test and Verification for SOC Designs; Analog and Data Conversion Systems; Electromagnetic Compatibility; Multi-Core Architecture and Programming; Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits & Systems; Processor Design; Selected Topics in Photonics
ME in Signal Processing: Advanced level of education in theory and applications of general signal processing; and specialisations in sparse signal processing, audio/image/video, machine learning, signal processing for communication, and biomedical signal processing.
Detection and Estimation Theory; Linear and Nonlinear Optimization; Random Processes; Matrix Theory; + Optional Subjects: Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks; Computer Vision; Digital Communication; Adaptive Signal Processing; Time Frequency Analysis; Signal Quantization and Compression; Digital Image Processing; Speech Information Processing; DSP System Design; + other electives
ME in Communication & Networks: This program is newly restructured, giving option for minor in Signal Processing,Integrated Circuits and Systems, Photonics, and Radio Frequency Systems.
Detection and Estimation Theory; Random Processes; Digital Communication; Communication Networks; + Optional subjects: Information Theory; Wireless Communication; Stochastic Processes and Queueing Theory; Error Correcting Codes; Communication Protocols; Wireless Networks; Multi-user Detection; RF & Optical Engineering; Linear and Nonlinear Optimization; Game Theory; Matrix Theory; Digital Signal Processing; Advanced Digital Signal Processing : Non-linear Filters; Adaptive Signal Processing; Signal Quantization and Compression; Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuit Technology; Digital VLSI Circuits; Analog VLSI Circuits; Photonics Integrated Circuits; Integrated Circuits for Wireless Communication; Advanced VLSI Circuits; CAD for High Speed Chip-Package-Systems; Introduction to Photonics; Fiber Optic Networks; Principles of Tomographic Imaging; Microsensor Technologies; Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits and Systems; Computational Electromagnetics; Spectrum Analysis; Time-Frequency Analysis; Signal Quantization and Compression; Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks; Computer Vision; Compressed Sensing and Sparse Signal Processing; Digital Array Signal Processing; Digital Image processing; Mathematical Methods and Techniques in Signal Processing; Speech Information Processing; Stochastic Models for Speech/Audio; + other electives
ME in Computer Science & Engineering: It is the flagship program of Computer Science and Automation Department(CSA), providing strong foundations via coursework as well as opportunities for research projects. The Department of CSA conduct cutting edge research across three broad areas: Intelligent Systems, Theoretical Computer Science and Computer Systems and Software.
Graph Theory; Discrete Structures; Automata Theory and Computability; Automated Verification; Computational Complexity Theory; Design and Analysis of Algorithms; Combinatorics; Foundations of Data Science; Cryptography; Computational Geometry and Topology; Approximation Algorithms; Introduction to Randomized Algorithms; Theoretical Foundations of Cryptography; Program Analysis and Verification; Software Reliability Techniques; Computer Architecture; Operating Systems; Network and Distributed Systems Security; Compiler Design; Database Management Systems; Distributed Computing Systems; Computer Graphics; Formal Methods in Software Engineering; Programming Languages : Design and Implementation; Linear Algebra and Applications; Computational Methods of Optimization; Probability and Statistics; Artificial Intelligence; Data Mining; Machine Learning; Natural Language Understanding; Game Theory; Reinforcement Learning; Deep Learning.
M.Tech. in Computational Science: Unique interdisciplinary programme in India encompassing broad research areas of Computational Data Sciences and Scalable Computer Systems.
Numerical Linear Algebra; Data Structures and Programming; Numerical Methods; Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations; Modelling and Simulation; High Performance Computing; Data Analysis and Visualization; Parallel Programming; Multigrid Methods; Video Analytics; Bioinformatics; Chemoinformatics; Topics in Embedded Computing; Topics in Medical Imaging; Finite Elements: Theory and Algorithms
ME in Systems Science & Automation: A unique blend of computer science and system science, offered jointly by CSA and Electrical Engineering. Students specialize in the fields of pattern recognition and machine learning, image, speech and audio processing, computer vision and communication and sensor networks.
Data Structures and Algorithms; Stochastic Models and Applications; Dynamics of Linear Systems; Linear and Nonlinear Optimization; Linear Algebra and Applications; Automated Verification; Cryptography; Computer Communication Networks; Real Time Systems; Multimedia Systems; Data Mining; Machine Learning; Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks; Computer Vision; Detection and Estimation Theory; Game Theory; Digital Signal Processing; Digital Image Processing; Speech Information Processing
ME in Electrical Engineering: This program offers coursework and projects for students to specialize in Power Systems, Power Electronics, Energy Sciences, High Voltage Engineering, and mathematically-oriented courses aimed at reinforcing the theoretical foundations.
Power Electronics, Electric Drives, Switched Mode Power Conversion, Design of Converters for Power Application, Distributed Generation, Advanced Power Electronics, High Voltage Engineering, High Voltage Power Apparatus, Electromagnetism, Computational Methods for Electrostatics, Pulse Power Engineering, Overvoltages in Power Systems, Advanced Computer Aided Power System Analysis, Power Systems Dynamics and Control, Computer Control of Power System, Advanced Power System Protection, Dynamics of Linear Systems, Linear and non-linear optimization, Control system design.
M. Des. in Product Design and Engineering: Offer practically oriented design, with key knowledge in functional, aesthetic, ergonomic, mechanical , manufacturing and marketing aspects.
Elements of Design; Elements of Solid and Fluid Mechanics; Creative Engineering Design; Materials, Manufacturing & Design; Product Visualization, Communication and Presentation; Product Planning and Marketing; Product Design; Computer Aided Design; Design of Automotive Systems; Design Management; Mini Design Project; Computer Aided Product Design; Applied Ergonomics; Mechanism Design; Design and Society
Master of Management (M. Mgmt.): A unique program to build leadership in Technology Management and Business Analytics. During summer internships at Industries and final year projects, students work to deliver feasible and optimal solution to real life business challenges.
Economics; Human Resource Management; Behavioral Science; Applied Statistics; Principles of Management; Marketing Management; Finance & Accounts; Operations Management; Applied Operations Research; Decision Models; Time Series Analysis and Forecasting; Data Mining; Technology Management; Management of Innovation and intellectual Property; Management of Technology for Sustainability; Entrepreneurship for Technology Start-ups
In addition to the above, IISc offers UG and PhD degree programs.
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